Awoke with a big double rainbow over the tent.

Found it hard to move the limbs even after the longest sleep in living memory.

Blisters: don’t look much better, might have expanded.

If it was supposed to reach 38º I’m sure it dropped a few degrees short, in a few spots there was a nice breeze, I’m not complaining.

I would describe my walk as a trudge, however, 14 days’ food, less one, is a fair weight, the pack a brick rather than that back hugging, tapering job I was contemplating back at the Lone Dingo camping store in Alice.

Only 10 km today, but, as usual, there were a few diversions: I headed up Wallaby Gap, no wallabies spotted, and to the narrower Scorpion Pool, no scorpions seen, actually not much of a pool either.

Nice walking but lugging this load I’m taking my time.

No hurry.

No hurry at all.

← Day 1 | Wallaby Gap: marching off on the Larapinta Day 3 | Mulga Camp: out on my lonesome again →